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Os aetossauros foram arcossauromorfos de tamanho médio a grande, onívoros ou herbívoros e fortemente encouraçados, que viveram entre 235 e 208 milhões de anos atrás. Restos de aetossauros já foram encontrados em quase todos os continentes: a ampla ocorrência geográfica de algumas espécies, combinada ao intervalo de tempo restrito de sua existência, permite que seus fósseis sejam frequentemente utilizados como guia pelos paleontólogos para estimar a idade de depósitos sedimentares. Sua espessa armadura era formada pelo conjunto de nódulos ósseos cobertos por uma substância córnea - chamados osteodermos. 

Aetosaurs were medium to large-sized and heavily-armored archosauromorphs that lived between 235 and 208 million years ago. Aetosaurs remains have been found in almost every continent: the wide geographic occurrence of some species combined with their limited time span allows paleontologists to use frequently their fossils as a guide to estimate the sedimentary deposits age. Their thick armor was formed by a large number of bony nodules covered by a horn substance - called osteoderms.



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DESOJO, J.B.; BÁEZ, A.M. 2007. Cranial morphology of the Late Triassic South American archosaur Neoaetosauroides engaeus: evidence for aetosaurian diversity. Palaeontology. London: The Palaeontological Association, 50 (1): p.267-276.


DESOJO, J.B.; EZCURRA, M.D. 2011. A reappraisal of the taxonomic status of Aetosauroides (Archosauria, Aetosauria) specimens from the Late Triassic of South America and their proposed synonymy with StagonolepisJournal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Bethesda: SVP,  31 (3): p.596–609.


DESOJO, J.B.; EZCURRA, M.D.; KISCHLAT, E.E. 2012. A new aetosaur genus (Archosauria: Pseudosuchia) from the early Late Triassic of southern Brazil. Zootaxa. Auckland: Magnolia Press, 3166: p.1–33.


DESOJO, J.B.; HECKERT, A.B.; MARTZ, J.W.; PARKER, W.G.; SCHOCH, R.R.; SMALL, B.J.; SULEJ,T. 2013. Aetosauria: A clade of armoured pseudosuchians from the Upper Triassic continental beds. Special Publications of Geological Society. London: The Geological Society, 379: p.203-240.


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