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Erpetossúquios formaram um pequeno grupo de arcossauromorfos cujo registro estende-se de 245 e 208 milhões de anos atrás. Sua dentição sugere hábitos carnívoros, e seu corpo e membros indicam que eram animais quadrúpedes relativamente ágeis. Sua afinidades evolutivas ainda não são muito bem compreendidas: alguns especialistas os agrupam mais próximos de crocodilos e jacarés; outros, a dinossauros e pterossauros.   
Erpetosuchians composed a small archosauromorphian group which record extends from 245 to 208 million years ago. Their dentition suggests their had a carnivore diet, as well as their bodies and limbs indicate their were relative fast quadrupeds. Their evolutionary relationships remains poorly understood: some experts classify them more close to crocodiles and caimans; and other, to dinosaurs and pterosaurs.



LACERDA, M.B.; FRANÇA, M.A.G.; SCHULTZ, C.L. 2018. A new erpetosuchid (Pseudosuchia, Archosauria) from the Middle–Late Triassic of Southern Brazil. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. London: The Linnean Society, 182 (2): zly008.


NESBITT, S.J.; DESOJO, J.B.; IRMIS, R.B. (orgs.). 2013. Anatomy, Phylogeny and Palaeobiology of Early Archosaurs and Their Kin. London: Geological Society, 624p.


STEYER, S.; BENETEAU, A.(ilust). 2012. Earth Before the Dinosaurs. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 200p.

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