A antiga fauna brasileira perdida no tempo
The ancient Brazilian fauna lost in time
Salmoniformes formam um grupo de peixes de aspecto primitivo, que surgiram há aproximadamente 110 milhões de anos. Atualmente são representados principalmente pelos salmões e trutas - espécies de grande importância econômica para os seres humanos, que vivem a maior parte do tempo no mar e que durante o período reprodutivo adentram os rios para desovar próximo às nascentes. No passado a diversidade de salmoniformes foi ainda maior, incluindo grupos que hoje estão completamente extintos.
Salmoniforms form a group of primitive-appearance fishes that emerged about 110 million years ago. Today they are represented mainly by salmons and trouts - species of economic relevance to humans that live most of the time at sea but during breeding season swim upstream to spawn near the river springs. In the past the diversity of salmoniforms was even higher, including groups now completely extinct.
BARTON, M. 2006. Bond’s Biology of Fishes (3ed.). New York: Thomson Brooks, 912p.
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GALLO, V.S.B.; FIGUEIREDO, F.J.; AZEVEDO, S.A.K. 2009. Santanasalmo elegans gen. et sp. nov., a basal euteleostean fish from the Lower Cretaceous of the Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil. Cretaceous Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 30 (6): p.1357-1366.
LONG, J.A. 1996. The Rise of Fishes: 500 Million Years of Evolution. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press, 224p.
LECOINTRE, G.; LE GUYADER, H. 2007. The Tree of Life: A Phylogenetic Classification. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 560p.
MAISEY, J.G. 1996. Discovering Fossil Fishes. New York: Henry Holt & Co, 223p.